Individuals burdened by debt can seek a fresh start by filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. However, the process requires careful preparation. Proper documentation not only supports your case but also helps streamline the bankruptcy proceedings. Understanding what...
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Will bankruptcy affect my 401(k)?
Filing for bankruptcy can be overwhelming, especially when considering the impact on your financial future. Residents of New Jersey who have filed for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy may find themselves worrying about the fate of their retirement savings. Knowing...
Is credit counseling required ahead of filing for bankruptcy?
Many Americans struggle to manage mounting debt. Before indebted individuals can file for personal bankruptcy, they must have credit counseling. Credit counseling is an important and required part of the bankruptcy process. Understanding how credit counseling works is...
What can you do when debt collectors keep calling?
Dealing with constant calls from debt collectors is overwhelming. Taking control of the situation is the only way to achieve relief. Knowing your options is the first step in getting the harassment to stop. There are several actions you can take to end the headache....
When might a Chapter 7 bankruptcy make financial sense?
Determining whether to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a big decision that requires careful consideration. While bankruptcy is not a decision to be taken lightly, there are certain situations in which Chapter 7 may offer a viable solution for overwhelming debt. By...
Tips for handling news of your bankruptcy
Filing for bankruptcy is bound to impact various aspects of your life. Speaking openly with those around you about what is happening may be helpful in some cases over letting rumors take hold. Rather than letting these rumors run rampant, you can grab control of the...
Bankruptcy may provide relief from significant debt in New Jersey
People encounter financial hardships due to various reasons. This might include medical bills, job loss or overwhelming credit card debt. Bankruptcy can provide a legal and structured path to financial recovery when these challenges become insurmountable. In New...
What should I know about a bankruptcy trustee?
Your mounting debts may cause you to file for bankruptcy protection. If a court approves your petition, expect that you will interact at times with a bankruptcy trustee. While you might have heard of trustees before, a bankruptcy trustee has specific duties that...
Rebuilding your credit after filing for bankruptcy
Bankruptcy can mark a significant setback in your financial journey, but it is not the end of the road. The process of rebuilding your credit after filing for bankruptcy can be a challenge, yet it is a necessary step toward regaining your financial health. Every cloud...
4 Ways bankruptcy can help you regain control of your life
Debt can be overwhelming. It might feel like an insurmountable mountain that is constantly looming over you. When debt piles up and it feels like there is no way out, bankruptcy could be a viable solution. Bankruptcy can seem scary, but it is a legal process designed...
in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Florida